Pencil2D is a free, open-source animation program created in 2009 by Patrick Corrieri and Pascal Naidon, after their previous project, "Pencil", was scrapped. Later, with Matthew Chang, Pencil2D was released under the GNU General Public License. It uses the Qt framework.
(The current info box is temporary)
[🚧Under Construction 🚧]
"This page will be made by someone who actually uses the software (aka, that weird Garlic guy), so it will be very authentic but will take longer to make as to add every last important detail. Would I personally recommend it? I guess not, there are plenty of better alternatives for free animation software on computers, but you should still give it a try. I can't say much for the newer version, V0.7.0, though I'm still using the older version, so that's part of why the construction of this page will take a while. This page will not have any bias, and all the dialogue you're currently reading will soon be removed.."
How to setup[]
How to updated[]
Examples of animation[]
Download link's[]
- V0.7.0 > []
- V0.6.6 > []
- [Website]
- [Wiki]
- [Forum]
- [GitHub]
- [Mango Animate]