Hyun's Dojo Wiki


Cade was a animated duelist created by B3 (FroyoJones on youtube). He is a mint green stick figure. He has only been in one duel and lost.


Cade (short for Barricade) spent most of his life ore mining. He would find all sorts of materials ranging from gems to metal ores. One ordinary day, he stumbled upon an extra ordinary ore. Every time he tried to mine it, it kept getting bigger and bigger. This fascinated him. He eventually extracted the ore and began crafting a weapon for no apparent reason. He made a shield out of it. The metal from the ore could make the shield bigger but since he only extracted a small portion of the ore, the shield could only grow as big as he was. He tried mining and searching for more but he couldn't find anymore. So he was stuck with a shield and has no idea how to fight or what to do with it.

And then like magic, the great Hyun of Hyun's Dojo danced down upon him from the clouds and introduced him to Hyun's Dojo. There, Cade trained with his shield and became a Dojo Duelist.

He now roams the lands of Cier dueling other warriors for rice.

Yes, rice.

... And glory.


Size Changing Shield[]

Cade possesses a shield that can change its size on his command.

Power To Control His Weapon[]

Cade can control his shield's movements.


Very friendly, determined, cocky.



vs Arzon Losing



