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Ruins, the shattered remnants of eras past, wrought by senseless calamity. Silence fills the desolate shores as time unfurls its fraying threads, winding and weaving the countless days into a fractured and tangled eternity. The Eternum Coast stands as the grim testament to the follies of fear and paranoia, being that its barren crags would serve as the flashpoint for the Seraph-Sominatic war. It would be a conflict that would go on to claim several billion lives in the course of its duration, an event that reshaped the world of Cier. As the legends say, the war started with a prophecy, one foretelling of great destruction and the coming of the end days. Stars would fall, skies would burn, and war would tear the world asunder. So it was that in fear, the Seraphs would attempt to subvert this fate. But they would only herald their own destruction.

The remnants of this war can still be found upon the shore of the Eternum Coast, broken pieces of ancient technology and the ruins of civilizations old. In addition, the fabric of time and space seems also irreparably damaged here, intertwining the past, present and future in an erratic flux of fragmented realities.

Those that enter a fractured land, inevitably become fractured themselves.


The majority of the Eternum Coast is covered with large expanses of grey rocky beaches constantly battered by violent waves. The waves themselves undulate in an unnatural manner, flickering between bursts of speed and slowed motion in time. Across the region lies pockets of warped spacetime, causing strange effects to the land and all that lies within it. Some of the effects in these areas include warped vision and colors, and an unnatural progression of time. Further inland lies rocky outcrops and rubble from the remnants of what seems to be an ancient civilization. These anomalies with time and space are further multiplied the closer one travels towards these ancient ruins.


Cold and abandoned, the Eternum Coast has gone almost completely undeveloped since the ancient Seraph-Somnian War. This is in part due to the temporal fluctuations that give the area its name. The strange time flow has led to structures growing dangerously unstable, a perfect mirror to the psyche of any who would attempt to settle such a place. The few buildings that do litter the surface are usually either the temporary camps of explorers and ruin delvers, or the crumbling remnants of the Seraphic society that once defined the coast, the only signs that anyone had ever called this forsaken place home.

Technology / Wealth / RICE

The powerful and sporadic effects of time in the Eternum Coast has led to a wide interest in what could be the source of these anomalies. Researchers have suspected old remnants of Seraphic and Somnian technology still remain in this region, holding valuable information and secrets behind their past. Besides the dangers that reside within the coast, many daring adventurers will attempt to trek towards these ruins in hopes to repurpose ancient, powerful technologies and magics.

People and Culture

The distinct lack of any settlements in the Eternum Coast hints at some of the hidden dangers that exist within. The few that have ventured into the Coast have reported disturbing side effects and strange occurrences such as aging at an abnormal rate and other inconsistencies in time compared to the outside world. Loss of memory, extreme headaches, and constant occurrences of deja vu led many potential settlers to go mad, missing, or even die of unknown causes. Despite the dangers of the Eternum Coast, researchers and curious adventurers often travel to the region in hopes of solving its mysteries and the reasons behind its unique time-altering attributes.


During ancient times, the Eternum Coast was once a scenic, peaceful region until the Seraphs claimed its beaches as a coastal testbed for experimental magic. The Seraphs, warned about a prophecy that could bring their downfall, began to develop time altering magic in preparation for this omen.

The Somnians, detecting the alteration of time and aware of its dangers to the universe, traveled to Cier and landed in the Eternum Coast to establish contact and diplomatic communication with the Seraphs. Their peaceful intentions of spreading knowledge and technology that would denounce magic and show the dangers of time manipulation were met with hostility and panic by the Seraphs, exacerbating their fears of their prophecy coming to fruition.

Conflict arose between the two races, kicking off the Ancient Cierian War between the Seraphs and the Somnians. The violent exchange destroyed the Eternum Coast and left the area highly unstable causing strange time phenomena that exist to this day.


  • TBA