Hyun's Dojo Wiki
Hyun's Dojo Wiki

Welcome to the Q&A page for HyunsDojo Wiki! We have three categories of Questions, Questions about HyunsDojo, Questions about the Wiki, and Funny questions with funny answers. If there is a question we haven't answered yet, feel free to comment in this page or contact an Admin or Moderator, or visit our question discussion post and we'll constantly update it here.

Questions about HyunsDojo[]

  • Q: Why are there Seasons in Dojo Duels?
    • A: There are seasons so that RICE points reset at the end of each season. This is to encourage newcomers, and not have a 'quantity' system where the first people who joined have the most points, but instead have it be about 'quality' by resetting it!
  • Q: If I am banned from the dojo, will I get banned from the discord, and will my original ban be extended?
    • A: Yes! If you are banned off the site, then you will be banned from our Discord as well. Your ban will only be extended if you hide the fact that you were banned on the site and remained on Discord, or tried ban-evading with alt accounts.

Questions About This Wiki[]

  • Q: How do I contribute my dojo knowledge to this Wikia?
  • Q: I made a Duelist and wanted to post it here, can I?
    • A: Certainly, you are welcome to share your art here. However, your Duelist must have its credentials approved by hyunsdojo.com staff. For example: Yupia, well drawn, fully animated, the creator submitted his artwork to the Duelist Application and was accepted by the site and peers.
  • Q: What if my character was disapproved from the Dojo site?
    • A: *head pat* It's okay, you'll get 'em next time, champ. You can still post your character here on the wiki. HOWEVER, not this Wiki! We suggest somewhere else, like a fanon wiki! HyunsDojo Fanon Wiki Coming Soon...
  • Q: Is this wiki associated with HyunsDojo and their staff?
    • A: Nope... Yep. Now it is.
  • Q: Who's the Admin?
    • A: You either ignored da rules or forgot to read. The only time a wikia representative deletes an article is either because it's completely false information, MS paint images, spam, unwanted advertisement, or inappropriate acts.
  • Q: How do I become Admin?
    • A: You don't. Unless you're Hyun, or if the current admin knows the other user and has enough trust to give them admin or other roles for this Wikia. Please do not harass a member for admin or mod powers, it's childish.

Funny Question (debatable)[]

  • Q: What about RHG Characters?
    • A: What about them? They have their own Wiki, and its called StickPage Wikia, and yes, you can post your "unofficial RHG" there...