FlipaClip is Free 2D animation software released in 2012 by the Meson brothers of studio Visual Blasters. It is one of the most easily available and beginner friendly animation software, often being most animators first animation program.
As it free, you do have to watch some adds to unlock certain features temporarily, or you can purchase FlipaClip Plus to get around this, for a beater experience.
This page will aim to answer any questions and clear up confusions.
(The current info box is temporary)
The examples shone below are of how it used to look. You can still make it look this way if you prefer the original layout instead by going into the settings.
Size: Make sure you change the canvas size before making a new project. If you realise you have already started working on a project but needed the canvas size to be smaller or bigger, then your out of luck as the canvas size can not be changed once a project has been made. However you could meticulously copy every frame from your first project into the second project with the canvas size that you need (You should avoid this outcome). Or, you could Change the size of the exported mp4 or the .fc format project file to achieve this, the following advice has been provided;
“ | For the .fc file, you can try transferring to a computer, right clicking and opening in notepad. If it's gibberish then there's nothing you can do. If the file has normal text in it you might be able to use the find function (ctrl-f) to find "1280" as well as "720" and manually change the canvas size. If you modify data there's a chance of it corrupting the file or even prevent flipaclip from loading so make backups of all flipaclip files before putting a modified file on your phone |
” |
— HeartOfTheStorm
Lasso tool[]
When you tap on the Lasso tool, you can select an object on your canvas by drawing around it. It will create a dotted line box around the object you draw around. You can also double tap on the lasso tool icon to automatically select the object on the frame. Here is what you can do:
Copying an area with the lasso tool:
- Step 1- Select the lasso tool from the tools menu.
- Step 2- Trace the lasso tool around the object you want to copy.
- Step 3- Hit the copy icon at the top of your screen.
- Step 4- Tap the paste icon and drag to where you want the object.
Resize or rotate with the uniform transform tool:
When you trace around the object you want to copy, the transform tool is automatically selected on the bottom toolbar. Here you can resize the selected object by dragging any of the squares that appear around the object. You also have the option to rotate the selected object by dragging the circle at the top of the selected object.
Where to find:
How to use:
- Double tap the brush icon to display the secondary menu which includes the ruler.
- Once enabled you will see the ruler icon highlighted and the last used ruler will be shown on the canvas. You will also see that you now also have options to choose a straight line, circle, or square on the right-hand side of the screen. This is also where you will activate the mirror and lock tools.
- Select a ruler type and move the ruler around and adjust its size as needed. You can draw anywhere on the screen. Drag the shape or horizontal line to the desired location on the canvas: Slide the red dots to adjust the angle of the shape and hold and drag the red square to move the entire location. The ruler will cause any drawing to follow the shape of the ruler.
- When finished using the tool, click the Ruler icon again to exit the ruler mode
To create a time laps, select the project you want make a time laps of, after doing so, a few opinations a will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Once you have turned it on in the setting, You can view the time laps you have made. Select the project, click on share time-lapse save to your device, then you will be able to view it in your camera roll.
FlipaClip Plus[]
Since FlipaClip is Free, it also makes money from its subscription services, which is 5 dollars (and 56 cent's) a month.
Benefits | Explanation |
Customize grid settings | Modify the size and opacity on the stage's grid |
Add your own audio | Add your own audio to your project to personalize it |
Add longer videos | Import videos of any length |
Back up projects | Download your FlipaClip project into a shareable file to send to a friend or to another one of your devices |
Remove watermark | Turn OFF the FlipaClip logo in your movies |
Export Image Sequence | Save your animation as a PNG |
Customize canvas sizes | Create any unique canvas size up to 1920x1920 |
Customize onion settings | Modify the opacity, frames shown, and colour |
Add more layers | Add up to 10 layers and merge them too |
Audio Library | Full access to 100's of sounds in the Audio Library |
Magic Cut | Upload and cut images of your own to add to your animations |
Extra Brushes | Access to additional brushes |
Voice AI | Bring your characters to life effortlessly with our new Voice AI feature! |
Remove Ads | Removes all ads! |
By default, FlipaClip movies will have a watermarked logo. Removing it is a premium feature, Requiring FlipaClip Plus. You can toggle this off if you want to remove it from your movie.
The information shown below the “Make Movie” button is related to your animation project:
- The first info to the left is the number of FPS your animation project is set to.
- In the middle it shows you the total duration of your animation in seconds or minutes.
- The info to the right is the total number of frames that makes your animation project.
Making Backups[]
-This is a premium feature.
- View your projects.
- Tap and hold the project you are backing up.
- Tap the share icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Tap Share Project.
- Save to your files or share it (You could email it to your self).
- For beginners, it is recommended to keep your frames-per-second betwean12 to 15 for smoother animation. (This doesn't really apply for everyone so it's best to see what works for you)
- Audio: The Audio formats that are supported in the current version are: wav, mp4, m4a, and mp3.
- Uploading errors: If your having trouble directly uploading an animation from FlipaClip to YouTube (i.e, giving you an error message, or failing to upload for seemingly no reason), either share it to your gallery or download it to your device, and upload it from there. (This problem may occur for some people after the most recent update)
- Import a video: When on the stage of any frame, press on the three dots in the top-right corner. Select “Add Video” Then Select where you want to get your video from and choose the video. You can trim the video to your liking after that Finely, Press the check mark to import the video.
- Formats: The video formats you can chose are MP4, GIF and PNG Sequence
- Files: FlipaClip project files have a .fc file extension. Your device should automatically recognize that the .fc file extension is associated with FlipaClip so once you tap on the .fc file it should automatically be opened with FlipaClip.
- Cloud Storage (Baking up projects): The app does not have its own backup cloud service for your animation projects therefore you have to manually save them to third-party cloud storage apps like Google Drive.
- Pressure sensitive: Yes, FlipaClip has this feature.
- External hardware: Drawing pads and stylus pen's as well as most other hardware are usually compatible with the app.
Examples of animation[]
An example of dualists animated with FlipaClip would be Taal or Hydro2O.
- [Website]
- [FlipaClip Wiki]
- [Help-forum]