Hyun's Dojo Wiki
Hyun's Dojo Wiki


The top encyclopedia for the new era of Stick Figure animations, this is the Hyun's Dojo Wikia! Animations, unique games, and interesting characters made by young artists with untap potential will be discussed and documented here, hosted by FANDOM. Anyone's welcome to share or polish their knowledge of this digital animation web culture.

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Hyuns dojo

Hyunsdojo.com founded since 2012

Hello grasshopper, it seems you've stumbled into our Dojo, HyunsDojo founded by Hyun. Here we talk about stories, animated stories, with peerless ideas and original characters created by young gifted and independent animators. The most well-known animated series are battles called Dojo Duels where creator's creations clash with one another. It's poetry in motion and deserves to be credited or archived for future references; thats what this site is for, we welcome anyone with insights on relatable subjects and share to the public.

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