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Far to the northeast of Cier, beyond the Kaihonian clans and the Neiran tribes, lie the towering crags of a sleeping Mt. Niveus. A jagged domain of threats both ancient and deadly, these frigid peaks are almost completely devoid of civilization, save for the towering elder beasts trapped within the ice and permafrost. The origins of these dreadful beasts are still shrouded in myths and legends, but many claim they have existed even before the time of the ancient Seraphs and Somnians.

The few people brave or foolish enough to trek through the sleeping behemoths and the blistering cold, risk their lives in search of the great rewards hidden within. Legends say that these rewards can restore life, and a second chance to those desperate enough to need it. Others attempt the climb to be the first to discover what may lie beyond Cier, only to disappear and never return.

As nature’s bastion of the north, Mt Niveus remains resolute against the mysteries of the unknown.


Beneath the towering crags of the Nivean mountains lie creatures of unfathomable sizes within the ice. Those that wander near may notice the subtle rumblings of a hibernating beast, the echoes of cracking ice resonating through the caves. One should dare not linger long, for if a beast were to awaken from its eternal slumber, any attempts to stop it would be near impossible. It is only through the concentrated efforts of Neira's most elite beast tamers that these elder beasts don’t wander down the Neira Pass to wreak havoc in the neighboring regions.

Through the narrow pathways, sheer cliffs, and slumbering beasts of the Nivean range, one mountain towers high above the rest: Mount Niveus. Those seeking respite from the biting cold will find it in the form of caverns that seem to wind deep into the core of the great mountain. Expedition journals have described some caves as having strange features, like walls having rib-like patterns, as if they were trekking within the ancient remains of a massive creature long forgotten by history. Other reports note how the ice within these caverns shift in color to a deep crimson the further one descends into the unknown.

At the very peak of Mount Niveus, the air is incredibly thin and harsh, with winds that can tear skin from bone. Local legends tell about a rare fungus hidden away in a small cave here. Rumors persist that this mushroom is able to lift any curse, cure any ailment, heal any injuries, grant untold power, or even reverse the signs of aging, but no one knows for certain the full extent of its capabilities. Those who dare to take this risky and treacherous path are sure to reap the rewards, should they make it back alive.


The harsh and unforgiving mountain range of Mt. Niveus contains little to no man-made architecture due to its extreme elevation and weather. A few weathered watchtowers dot the base of the mountain, stationed by Nieran guards hardened by the immutable cold. Climbing higher up in elevation, one will find no structures made by man with the exception of a few natural stone paths and trails, daring foolish explorers to attempt the climb.

Occasionally, totems and strange structures carved in an unknown language can be found, faint mirages, and figures seen in the blizzard, but gone in an instant. These mysterious sightings seem to hint to an undiscovered civilization that lies beyond the Nivian mountain range.

Technology / Wealth / RICE

With no permanent structures beyond the occasional watchtower, the land remains barren of most technology, but for those that scale this legendary peak, there are sure to be great rewards. From RICE frozen in their moment of downfall, to crystal structures that radiate with auroral energy (Icy Sapphire Cierites), one can also find a frozen blood-like substance that’s said to give you the powers of a giant. Only found at the very depths of the deepest cavern, these scarlet, crystalline formations often called the mythical “Blood Gems” are rumored to be the very lifeline that once flowed through a titanic creature's veins. The gems are foretold to be nearly impossible to melt, radiating ancient magic from within. Niveus is a trove of valuable, rare materials and items that could strengthen any warrior, so long as they are strong enough to acquire them.

People and Culture

On rare occasions a brave Neiran climber will be sent to climb the peak of Mt. Niveus in search of materials, self worth, and discovery into the unknown. The people of Neira see the climb as a spiritual journey of sorts, as it tests one’s physical and mental fortitude to the extreme. These select climbers will train for many years since childhood before attempting the dangerous trek to Mt. Niveus.

The Neiran climber holds many responsibilities as he makes the journey to the mountains. He must remain vigilant of any elder beasts that may stray down to the Neira Pass, alerting the tribes to prepare for a potential hunt. He must be in tune with the environment, finding the path to the peak where rare and valuable materials can be found such as the blood gems and healing fungi. He must endure the thin air and freezing cold to finally return with the harvest and be welcomed with great honor for his sacrifice. This age-old tradition has kept the Neiran tribes strong and alive for many generations.


Aside from the obvious dangers of Mt. Niveus, unsanctioned flights to the mountain still remain to be an issue. It’s no surprise that outsiders are allured by Mt. Niveus’ grandeur and mystery, sneaking into Niveus to chart the unknown and search for its perceived treasures. However, few ever make it past the base altitude or survive the journey altogether.

The Neiran scouts do their best to deport unwelcomed travelers not only for their own safety, but to also prevent the elder beasts from prematurely waking up from their sustained hibernation. Ill-prepared travelers wandering the wastes of Niveus pose a great danger to the delicate balance and relationship between the Neirans and the beasts.


The history behind Mt. Niveus is mostly shrouded in mystery. Some legends say the lands and oceans of Cier were once carved and formed by colossal giants and beasts, even before the time of ancient Seraphs and Somnians. Some locals even claim that Mt. Niveus itself is the remnant of the last fallen giant, its body turned to rock and stone, and its blood hardened to ice and gems. The near immortal elder beasts that still lie slumbering in the mountains to this day is a testament of truth behind all the tales spoken about Mt. Niveus, and even shadows the power of the mighty Seraphs when they ruled over Cier.


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