Deep within the misty expanse of northwestern Cier, the Ruins of Somnus stand in defiance of both the Seraphs and time. Long rumored to be the site of the first Somnian landings, Somnus served as the capital of their territory, and is also believed to be the site of their last stand against the Seraphs. Legend has it that in their climatic final battle, both of the ancient races unleashed their most powerful weapons, and at the end, both races disappeared, leaving Somnus in ruins and surrounded by the Veil.
For over two millennia, the Ruins have remained, empty and destitute. If one is both unfortunate and lucky enough to find their way through the mists, vast treasures of ancient technology are said to lie just beneath the rubble. But be forewarned: rumor has it that the Ruins of Somnus may not be as abandoned as you think.
The Ruins of Somnus lie on a small, barren island at the center of the Veil. The island rises sharply from the waters around it, with sheer cliff edges dozens of meters high. With its place at the center of the proverbial storm, the Veil is thinner on the island, and its effects are easier to resist. However, since the effects of the Veil around the island render all vehicle travel inert, the only way to access the Ruins is via a thin land bridge that cuts through the center of the Phantom Strait and connects the island to the western continent. Any visitors who are lucky enough to survive the Veil’s mist and stumble upon Somnus are welcomed to an overgrown ancient city frozen in time.
The dense cityscape of the Ruins covers the entirety of the small island it rests upon, save for a large crater at the northern end, with some buildings even hanging precariously over the edge. While no towering skyscrapers remain to to highlight its grandeur, some of the structures still stand high enough to suggest just how vertical the city once was. However, in total, only a few dozen buildings remain even partially standing. Dispersed among these buildings are large, decaying war automata and defensive turrets; reminders that the last days of the Somnians were spent in conflict.
From certain angles, some of the buildings bear a striking similarity to Aetherian architecture, but contain design queues that mark them as distinctly Somnian. The exterior of the buildings are made of a concrete-like material, while the surviving interiors are made of a strange, alien material that has yet to be identified. Many of the buildings contain either basement sublevels or hardened underground bunkers, most of which seem to have survived markedly better than the structures on the surface.
Technology / Wealth / RICE[]
Much of Cier’s technology can trace its origin back to the Somnians. And despite the many advances made in recent years by the Aetherians, the ancient technology that can be found in the bunkers and buildings of the Ruins of Somnus seem to be on a level beyond current understanding. All manner of gadgets and gizmos have been dug up by those few who managed to cross the Veil unharmed, though their purpose has long been forgotten. Such pieces would fetch a high price practically anywhere on Cier, but very few have ever left the Ruins, due in no small part by the fact that one would need to cross the Veil not once, but twice.
Despite the apparent leveling of the city proper, with enough poking and prodding, some of the ancient Somnian technology will still spark to life if handled or disturbed. Whether this is good or bad for the person prodding is often up to chance; however, the war automata and defense turrets are almost always hostile, and should be avoided at all costs. It is unclear how the technology is being powered, however, as there are no obvious power generators anywhere, and what little RICE can be found was scattered there by the Downfall, long after the city fell to ruin.
People and Culture[]
While the Somnians might be gone, the remnants of what once was a functioning capital remain. Signs of those who once spent their lives here can be found in the mundane items. Old mysterious writings and inscriptions, the leftover ancient technology, and massive decaying structures all hint at an advancanced and vibrant culture that once was.
Even with these remnants, there are signs of the new culture growing in this region: from the working Hydroponics to the repaired, but simple, structures erected in small areas. And among them, a small population of Systemites, members of a fanatical sect of the Systemic religion. In their efforts to “fix the system”, this sect has been sending its members into the Veil on purpose in hopes they might stumble upon the Ruins.
While most of these would-be pilgrims were lost to the Veil, some did manage the journey, and have set to the task of studying the ruins and repurposing its technology. And while members of the sect continue to arrive, their population in the Ruins remains small, due to the many dangers posed by the crumbling buildings and unpredictable technology.
Although the Somnians have disappeared from the ruins, their influence still remains as a religion called Systemism. With an abandoned city, little remains of how the Somnians may have governed their population. However there has been a small group of religious fanatics known to willingly enter the Veil in search of the lost city of Somnus.
Where some might see going to the Veil as suicide, this religious group calls the journey into the Veil as a test of faith and sacrifice. The very few who somehow make it through the Veil claim themselves as the “chosen ones" forming a small Systemic sect rumored to reside in the Somnian Ruins now. Their systemic teachings are inspired by restoring the abandoned tech and unlocking the knowledge from their religious Somnian ancestors, in hopes to bring them back to this world.
This small group of survivors shows no interest in attempting to govern any who may wander in, and mostly keep to themselves and their work. However, if approached, they are often amicable, and will freely give aid or shelter if requested.
Rumored to be the landing place of the first Somnians, the Ruins stretch into the mist and vanish from view. The first Somnians brought with them many gifts; Technology of unparalleled power, knowledge centuries beyond Cieran comprehension, and even a new religion. They taught those of Cier to use this technology to help one another, and create a brighter future. Though the Somnians brought much advancement, it is clear neither them nor the Seraphs knew the destruction and devastation their war would bring. Both sides, desperate to end the bloodshed, clashed with a final might as both released their fury: a super weapon and a super spell. No one knows for sure what these weapons were made to do, only what remains after. Both races vanished in those moments, and only those of Cier remain to tell their tale.
As with all things, time warps messages. What might have once been a simple and hopeful message has been fractured and shifted. Systemism has become a religion focused on bringing back the order of old, seeing the current state of Cier as broken and unfair. After all, a system that doesn’t give back to its community equally what it takes is clearly in need of reparation. With all their might, they seek to bring back the Somnians… Though if it is found to be impossible, they will seek to finish their mission for them.
Cier Lands:
• The Era of Conflict • The New Alliance • The New Dojo • Present Day •