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The Seraphs were a mythical, angelic race during the ancient times of Cier. As the original inhabitants of this land, they ruled and protected Cier using their powerful magic.


Although the Seraphs are not around today, the people of Cier are still heavily influenced by their ideologies. Having been the rulers of ancient Cier for thousands of years, the Seraphs are still commonly revered as gods by the common people. Many different forms of Seraphism are practiced in Cier, a religion first created and spread by the Lumaurans to remember the Seraphs and their beliefs in magic. Seraphism is still considered to be the most common practice throughout Cier, but ever since the disappearance of the Seraphs during the ancient Seraph-Somnian War, the teachings of Systemism have since spread and clashed with this religion. This clash of seemingly opposite religions of “Magic vs Machine” Seraphism vs Systemism, are one of the many causes of conflicts and wars of the modern era.


The origins of the Seraphs go all the way back to the beginnings of Cier as they were the first known intelligent inhabitants of these lands. The powerful Seraphic race can best be described as angelic to the eyes of a commoner, as they were known to be the first to develop and use magic to rise into power.

With their innate ability to use magic, the Seraphs took it upon themselves to systematically rule over the other races in Cier as their “protectors”. To keep peace and order throughout the land, the Lumaurans, a lesser angelic subrace of servants and soldiers, were fabricated to police the cities and regions to the Seraphs’ will.

Pushing the boundaries of magic and mana, the Seraphs accomplished many feats during their time. One of their greatest accomplishments however, was the construction of a great ethereal gate within the sky (known as the Lumaura Sanctuary today), rumored to be capable of bridging the gap between alternate realities, dimensions, and through time itself. Although not perfected and highly unstable, the Seraphs used the gate to perform rituals and divinations, receiving snapshots and prophecies from the future in an attempt to control their own fate.

Enchanted cores of magical energy called RICE were also created by the Seraphs to enhance their spells and items. With a near obsession of remaining in control and to stay in power, the Seraphs continued their rule over Cier for much of its ancient timeline.

Seraph-Somnian War[]

After many years of steady rule, the Seraphs were made aware of a prophecy that foretold their downfall, and in a desperate bid to maintain their hold over Cier, began to develop time-altering magic in preparation for this omen. The Somnians, detecting the alteration of time and aware of its dangers to the universe, traveled to Cier and landed in the Eternum Coast to establish contact and diplomatic communication with the Seraphs. Their peaceful intentions of spreading knowledge and technology that would denounce magic and show the dangers of time manipulation were met with hostility and panic by the Seraphs, exacerbating their fears of their prophecy coming to fruition.

While no one is sure who fired the first shot, the battles on the Eternum Coast would mark the start of the Seraph-Somnian War, destroying the region and leaving unstable time phenomena that persist to this day. The conflict would then quickly spread across the entirety of Cier, with the Seraphs using the Lumauran Sanctuary as their base of operations in the east, and the Somnians settling somewhere on the northwestern coast of the western continent. With battle lines drawn, the Seraphs began a campaign of extermination against the Somnains, determined to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled. In order to preserve their godly image while prosecuting their war, the Seraphs began conscripting the other races of Cier to fight on their behalf, often violently and without regard for what they considered lesser beings. Only those who resided in modern-day Magmus Ridge were able to resist the Seraph’s subjugation efforts thanks to the RICE-neutralizing effects of Ecerite, a mineral endemic to the region, in a conflict that would become known as the War of Severed Wings. The Seraphs quickly abandoned their attempt to subjugate the region, and instead marched west, steadily pushing the Somnians and their forces back toward their stronghold, and leaving devastation in their wake.

Despite the steady progress, as the war continued to drag on with no end in sight, the Seraphs began to turn to more desperate measures to achieve the decisive victory they desired. They once again turned to time magic, and began developing a spell powerful enough to wipe the Somnians from existence. However, they soon learned the Somnians had begun a similar process to develop their own superweapon. An arms race ensued, with the Seraphs rushing to complete their spell before the Somnians completed their weapon. In the final battle of the war at the Somnian stronghold, the Seraphs deployed their spell against the Somnains, in their final bid to end the war once and for all. However, in the chaos, the Somnians managed to fire their incomplete weapon, and in the violent mixing of magic and technology, both the Seraphs and the Somnians were mysteriously wiped from the face of Cier, thus bringing a sudden end to the Seraph-Somnian War.


The physical aftermath of the Seraph’s innovative experiments during the war left parts of Cier scarred for ages to come. Their grand pursuit in search of power over time left the Eternum Coast, their testing grounds for this magic, a giant temporal anomaly. One who enters may find themselves jumping through time and space unwillingly due to the weakened fabric of reality in the area, caused by powerful spells meant to chain time under Seraph control. Instead, the spells would only serve to harm time.

Past their attempts at controlling the true form of time, The Seraphs also seized control over life, creating a crossbreed known as the Lumaurans. This new race would serve as both a martial and industrious asset, doing the superior race’s dirty work, as well as fighting their battles. However, after the disappearance of the Seraphs, the Lumaurans would be left worshiping absent gods. They would begin to spread the religion of Seraphism to honor their forefathers, though some of their own kind have begun to slip away from the spell of the Seraphs themselves.

Lastly, the greatest geographical effect the Seraphs had on Cier is The Veil. Born from the calamity that ended the Seraph-Somnian War, The Veil is a tremendous mass of thick foggy mist that surrounds the far western regions of Cier. It is said that when the spell was unleashed against the Somnians, this was the result. The swirling mass remains stationary after its expansion, but it has nonetheless swallowed many victims, from the Somnains at its center, to the residents of the Western Coast, and even further, every ambitious adventurer who dared to venture into its circumference.
