Hyun's Dojo Wiki


He was a former adventurer; exploring dungeons and nerdy stuff like that. On one of his journeys, he discovered a stone with a green glow resonating from it. this isn't cliche at all After taking out his handy pocket Dremel, he spent the next two hours taking it out of the rock. Skip 5 years later, he is bored with his life of adventure as all that can be found has been taken. For a while, he just goofed around with his treasure until he found the spear and he noticed the material's consistency fluctuating based on the pressure he put into it. After his 8-second attention span passed, he got ticked off by it and chucked it out the window. Suddenly, he pops into the side of a hill, to the right of him is his hand; grasping the spear. He spent the rest of the year learning how to fight with it and eventually, he just yolo'd and went out to fight people.
